Ohio Public Health Information Warehouse

The Mortality dataset contains information regarding deaths of Ohio residents from 2007 to present.
Death Data
Last Updated:
This dataset contains rates and counts of deaths among Ohio residents from 2007 to present and is updated on a daily basis.

Note a change in cause of death coding software occurred at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) on June 6, 2022. All 2022 death records were scheduled to be re-processed by the new software, which has resulted in some changes to previously assigned cause codes in preliminary 2022 mortality data. Please be aware there will be fluctuations in preliminary mortality data as the new software continues to process records. Thank you for your patience during these important updates.

Due to a change in the way the National Center for Health Statistics codes race values used by this application, many race values from 1/1/2022 onward may display as unknown. ODH is aware of this issue and is working to resolve it. Data prior to 2022 is unaffected.

Population data for rate calculations is only available by year, age, race, ethnicity, sex and county. If another variable is selected, the population numbers will default to the total population and the displayed rates will be inaccurate. For example, if a report is generated calculating death rates by sex, the number of male deaths in Ohio will be used as the numerator and Ohio’s male population will be used as the denominator to calculate an accurate death rate. However, if an attempt is made to calculate death rates by education level, the numerator will include the number of deaths for each specific education level while the denominator will default to Ohio’s total population and produce an inaccurate rate.

Public availability of mortality data is an important component of public health surveillance and assessment which can help inform policies and programming at the state and local levels that address population health. Ohio Public Health Data Warehouse (OPHDW) users may explore mortality data through detailed mortality reports, charts, and maps to answer questions about what causes Ohioans to die and to compare rates of death between different geographic areas or population groups within the state.

Death Rate = Number of Deaths x 100,000

Mortality information is collected by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and is derived from Ohio Certificates of Death. Deaths can be categorized as resident deaths or occurrence deaths. Most of the information presented in this module is based on resident deaths. Resident deaths include deaths among Ohio residents regardless of whether the death occurred in Ohio or in another state. However, some reports and charts are based on occurrence deaths. Occurrence deaths are deaths that occurred in Ohio regardless of the state residence. Whether a particular report or chart is based on residence or occurrence is outlined in the footnote.

In general, the mortality data is complete by approximately one month after death, although the causes of death are usually delayed by at least 2-3 months when the cause was determined to be an injury or other unexpected death. Some data elements resolve later than others; users should be aware that very recent data may not be complete and should be interpreted with caution. Data years denoted with an asterisk (**) are considered preliminary; data years with no asterisk are considered final. Data collection, processing specifications and analysis methods have been developed by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and are reflected in the information displayed in this application.

Note: Geocoding enhancements were implemented in 2015 to better reflect county of residence for Ohio deaths. Due to this change in methodology, temporal trends in data below the state level should be interpreted with caution. In addition, there may be slight differences between data presented in OPHDW and previously published reports and historical datasets for years prior to 2015. Previously published reports used the best available data and methods at the time of publication.

Click here for access to mortality related documentation.
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Year of Death Date of Death (mm/dd/yyyy) Sex Age State of Residence County of Residence Race Category Hispanic Ethnicity County Of Death Underlying Cause of Death Underlying Cause Code Literal Cause(s) of Death External Injury Mechanism Group City of Residence Residence Zip Code Township of Residence Education Certifier Type Manner of Death Local Health District Type of Place of Death Disposition Month of Death Leading Causes of Death Residence Census Tract Marital Status State Of Death FILE NO Year of Death
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